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Exquipment Conditioning Monitoring

Lube Oil Analysis Service

Lube oil analysis is as important for maintenance engineering as blood testing is for medicine. It is the scientific analysis of all types of lubricants oil and is an established method for predictive and preventive maintenance. OXY-FLUID’S lube oil analysis service will provide critical early warning information indicative of machine failure. Analyzing and trending this data means you can schedule maintenance before a critical failure occurs.

Vibration Analysis Service

Vibration data collection and analysis is the accepted method to any predictive maintenance or reliability program. OXY-FLUID Limited has been rendering vibration analysis services to various industries for years now. Vibration analysis helps uncovers potential issues early before they lead to expensive problem. Vibration analysis detects faults like misalignment, Unbalance, mechanical looseness, bent shaft and rotor, eccentricity problems, soft foot, bearing and gear problems, etc.

Transformer oil Analysis Service

Oil and other insulating fluids suffer from both electrical and mechanical stresses while the transformer is in operation. Consequently there are contaminants generated due to chemical interactions with windings and other solid insulations, catalysed by high operating temperature. Hence the original properties of the transformer oil changes gradually, rendering it ineffective after many years of use. Therefore, the oil has to be periodically tested to evaluate its basic properties and make sure it is still suitable for further use or initiate necessary actions like filtration and or regeneration.

Water Treatment Service

Water is often called the universal solvent – a property that can cause unwanted side effects for industrial applications. Water can dissolve many substances, including gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. As a result, water can cause corrosion of metals used in cooling systems. As water concentrates in cooling systems, dissolved ions may exceed the solubility of some minerals and form scale. The life-giving properties of water can also encourage bacterial growth that can foul system surfaces. These problems require proper treatment and control to maintain the value of a cooling water system to the process it serves.